When we meet

Monthly Meetings
Our club holds monthly meets where members can gather to share their diving experiences, learn from each other, and plan our next diving expeditions. During these meets, we provide a friendly and supportive environment for members to socialize, share their knowledge, and develop their skills. We also organize regular diving trips to local and international destinations, where members can explore new underwater environments and build lasting friendships.
At Keighley BSAC, safety is our top priority. We provide comprehensive training programs that follow the British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC) standards, ensuring that all our members have the necessary skills and knowledge to dive safely. Our experienced instructors offer training for all levels, from beginners to advanced divers, and are always available to answer any questions or provide guidance.
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More Information about Diving
A History of Diving
The history of scuba diving dates back to the early 20th century when explorers and inventors were fascinated by the idea of exploring the underwater world. The first scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) equipment was developed in the 1940s by Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Emile Gagnan, which allowed divers to stay underwater…
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What’s Involved?
Learning to dive with the British Sub-Aqua Club (BSAC) is a fantastic way to begin your scuba diving journey. BSAC is one of the world’s leading scuba diving organizations, with a focus on safety, education, and fun. BSAC offers comprehensive scuba diving training programs for all levels…
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What is BSAC?
BSAC stands for the British Sub-Aqua Club. It is a scuba diving organization based in the United Kingdom and is one of the world’s leading authorities on scuba diving. The club was founded in 1953 and has since grown to become a global organization with a membership of over 25,000 divers in more than 50 countries.

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Phasellus ac nibh sit amet est tincidunt feugiat. In tristique nunc aliquet, feugiat elit ut, sodales arcu. Sed porttitor justo vel semper laoreet. Cras ornare, nisi vel mollis tincidunt, dui ligula gravida eros, sit amet laoreet enim purus a ante. Phasellus commodo neque dui, id vulputate sapien sodales non.
Maecenas lorem elit, scelerisque nec hendrerit tincidunt, vestibulum eu dui. Fusce iaculis ullamcorper libero non dapibus. Phasellus cursus urna volutpat nisi sagittis vestibulum. Quisque nibh urna, tristique in semper eget, dignissim in purus. Integer eget enim tempor orci condimentum euismod eleifend vel dui. Curabitur ut egestas magna. Phasellus commodo mi justo, cursus rutrum arcu mollis id. Nullam sagittis pulvinar felis. Donec vitae mi sapien.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam viverra ultrices eros, vel vulputate elit euismod ac. Vestibulum placerat non est eu imperdiet. Etiam ipsum arcu, volutpat vel feugiat eu, vehicula sed augue. Aliquam maximus orci et augue venenatis ultrices. Proin sodales aliquam eros eget lacinia. Pellentesque aliquet, mauris in rhoncus commodo, mi elit venenatis erat, fermentum condimentum turpis nunc sit amet magna. Integer cursus tellus a nibh rhoncus, eget volutpat ex semper. Mauris id ex a elit malesuada convallis non ac nibh. Fusce vitae augue vulputate, tempor dolor vel, sollicitudin ex.